The present population of world is estimated around 8 billion and the consumption of energy is measured 17.4 Terawatts every day. From lights to laptops to cars, everywhere there is consumption of energy in a large amount. For example, an average use of laptop consumes ~40W of energy whereas a typical LED bulb consumes 3 watts energy everyday in daily household. A typical car engine exhaust ~150,000 W energy which typically accounts to 20-30% energy consumption of a person in a day. Government agencies such as Energy Information Agency (USA), International Energy Agency (OECD), Exxon, OPEC and BP conduct surveys to know the real consumption of energy in the world. They bifurcate the source of energy production from renewable and non renewable resources in the following categories: Nuclear energy (5%), oil, coal and natural gas (80%). Fossil fules such as coal, oil and natural gas produces energy ~ 110, ~ 50, ~ 50 respectively in the present day.

With urbanization and rise in population, the heating and cooling appliances are responsible for consuming a lot of energy every day. A market survey revealed that the energy consumed by the world today is 37% more energy, then it uses in 1980s. Due to innovation and technology, this percentage is increasing everyday. A lot of energy is consumed in Construction of building. The building sector accounts for 40% of the total energy consumption in the US. Major appliances such as electricity, lightning, HVACs, and miscellaneous usages consumes 11%, 18%, 35% and 36% electricity respectively. Construction and building sectors are always accused for high consumption of energy and emission of greenhouse gases. The emission of CO2 in the UK from construction sector accounts for 47% of the total CO2 emission in the entire country.

One of the recent researches claimed that with the use of advance technology and high-tech equipment, the consumption of energy can reduce to a significant extent by 2030. The commercial energy consumption would be reduced upto 21%, and the residential sector energy consumption would be lessened up to 30% by 2030. One of the efficient ways to save energy during the process of construction is to provide proper insulation to the building. Thermal coatings are highly efficient, flexible and provide thermal resistance to the building. The wall coatings are filled with vacuumed sodium borosilicate and have water-based pure acrylic resin system with less than 100 microns in size. The thermal coatings are non-toxic, environment friendly, and acts as a sealed cell that covers the entire structure

They also have the power to reduce the noise transmission with an effective range from -40 Deg C (-40 Deg F) to 375 Deg C (700 Deg F). The wall skin coats are chemically resistant, helps to maintain the temperature of the house, reduces the flow of energy and is filled with ceramic microspheres. The thermal insulation coats are four times fire resistant and provides a variety of architectural colors to the house.

PETRA BUILDCARE is one of the best companies which is dedicated to supply the energy saving solutions to the customers. Their energy saving solutions (ThermoShield and ThermoPlasts) are designed in such a manner that it provides a complete protection to the walls. The energy saving solutions are built with Hollow NanoSphere Technology which is still not discovered in the market till date by any company. The energy saving solutions are eco-friendly and reduce the flow of energy upto 35%. This in turn reduce the consumption of electricity by cooling and heating appliances. The energy saving solutions are replacing the traditional methods of construction.