R-value is basically the thermal resistance of the wall which prevents the flow of heat from one direction to another. If the R-value of any building is high thus it has the ability to slow down or resist the energy flow from the interior to the exterior surface or vice-versa. It also depends upon in which area you are living. For instance, colder regions require a greater R-value than the warmer regions to maintain the temperature of the house.

What should be the ideal R value for the house?

Nowadays the masonry units are equipped with thermal resistance power. Its main aim is to regulate the temperature of the house along with providing a strong structural building. Typically the exterior surface of the house has an R-value ranging from R-30 to R-49 including attic spaces and ceilings of the house. To reduce the energy of the house or regulate the temperature the R-value should be in between R-12 to R- 22.

Source: Google Images (The picture showing how air penetrates into the house and reduces the R value)

Many people prefer blocks over bricks wall due to their cost-effectiveness. There is no denying in the fact that concrete blocks are more cost-effective than brick walls but they can never be ingrained with thermal resistance power. Thus, you can save money while constructing a building but will pay an extra charge on utility bills throughout your life. An ideal block wall typically has thermal resistance power ranging from 1.9 to 2.5. The reason for this is concrete block walls have cracked joints which allows the flow of air from the exterior to the interior surface. The rim joint at the top of the basement wall in block walls is another part through which air penetrated inside the house. Thus, Block walls can never be considered best for providing thermal resistance ability to the house For increasing the R-value in the house you need to add extra appliances like rigid foam, seal, furring strips, and mortar to airtight the boundaries of the wall.

Source: Google Images

Factors determining R value

  • Quality of insulating material that you are using for your house.
  • The region where you are living as colder regions has a lower temperature than the milder ones. Hence, the arctic provinces require a greater R-value than the warmer suburbs.
  • The lifespan of the insulating material that you are using as a means to enhance the R-value of the house.
  • The amount of moisture content in the house or in the insulating material that you are making use of.
  • The way of installation. Even if you are using high-quality premium grade insulating material and it has not been installed properly it will not increase the R-value of your house.

Tips to increase R-value of the wall

  • Reduce the air Infiltration in your house
  • The insulating material that you are using must provide a thick shield around your house thus you need to calculate the amount of material required to insulate the house.
  • Use that insulating material which does not become compress when applied to the walls. The compressed material will not render maximum R-value to the house.
  • You can use products such as vacuum Insulated panels, aerogel, phenolic foams, and polyurethane to provide insulation to the house.
  • You can also use ThermoShield – wall putty to provide thermal resistance to the walls.

How to increase R-value with ThermoShield – wall putty?

A wall made up of bricks and cement can provide energy resistance by applying ThermoShield – wall putty. The wall coat manufacture by PETRA BUILDCARE has thermal insulating properties that help in resisting the heat flow from one direction to another. This ability to prevent the energy flow helps in maintaining the structural dimension of the house. It further helps in decreasing the electricity consumption by 30% – 35% depending upon the type of insulating wall polish powder you are using.

PETRA BUILDCARE ThermoShield – wall skin coat is FDA approve, eco-friendly, easy to apply, and provides complete protection to the house. None of the companies till now have manufactured ThermoShield – wall polish powder using Hollow NanoSphere Technology. The skin care coat can be used on brickwork, conventional building, precast, and gypsum boards. The wall polish powder not only proves cost-effective but also provides shielding from hairline cracks, chemical reactions, and weather changes.