One of the primary concerns in the world today is the enormous consumption of energy in the commercial and household sector. As the natural resources are depleting and fossil fuels are scarce, the need to develop energy-efficient products are in high demand. It has been observed that in household sectors most of the energy is consumed by the heating and cooling appliances to regulate the temperature of the house. Thus, there is a need to develop energy-efficient masonry units so that they provide a layer of protection around the building frame. Buildings promote the development of the national economy and provide a large number of employment opportunities to the people. In the United States and European Union, the construction sector contributes 65% and 42% respectively in the country’s economy. The concept of thermal insulation in masonry units was started in Germany during the 1950s and 1960s. It became popular after a decade to deal with the energy crisis and to provide comfort in the building. Today, the European ETICS is leading the world with approximately € 3.3 billion (material price) and around 163 million square meters are used for manufacturing masonry units. For innovation and new construction, various types of insulating material are used like extruded polystyrene XPS, expanded polystyrene EPS, mineral wool, and cork boards, etc.

Source: Google Image (Thermal Insulation Mortar)
It is estimated that by 2030 Skscrappers will roughly consume one-third of the global energy and water every year. Presently, the masonry units used for constructing edifice constitutes almost 40 billion tons of black carbon emission every year. By 2050, the construction of commercial and residential buildings will be three times larger than what it is today thus the need to use eco-friendly products is necessary to save the future.
In recent years, the physical and chemical properties of mortar have been the subject of intensive research. Primarily, the thermal conductivity and microstructures of mortar have been discussed to determine the aggregate composition needed for the construction. Various research was conducted on moisture content in the wall concluded that the thermal conductivity in the wall increases up to 70% when the cement mixture came in contact with the moisture. The mortar has a thermal conductivity which decreases the impact of moisture content by 38%, providing excellent thermal resistance to the wall. Mortar when added with expanded perlite exhibit 60% to 80% reduction of thermal conductivity whereas when added with fine aggregates it resulted in 75%-100% thermal conductivity in the wall.

Source: Google Image (Properties of ThermoPlast wall mortar)
In the saturated state, the thermal conductivity coefficient of the mortar is 70% higher than in the dry state. Hence before the construction of any new building, it is important to evaluate the proportion of fine aggregate, humidity, water, temperature, and admixtures ratio to mortar in order to yield better thermal performance. The impulse technique is also used to measure the thermal conductivity of the ThermoPlast wall mortar ranging from dry to fully saturate with water. An ideal mortar is believed to have thermal conductivity between 0.055 and 0.14 W/mK and bulk density between 600 and 1,100 kg/m³.
Benefits of Thermal Insulation Mortar
- Thermal Insulation Mortar has high strength, strong bonding force, and good construction performance. Thus it enables trouble-free construction operation.
- ThemoPlast wall mortar is non-toxic, fire-resistant, eco-friendly, and has low shrinkage capacity.
- The wall skin coat provides strong adhesion, good workability, and water retention potentiality.
- The wall care powder protects the wall from cracking and peeling issues.

Source: (Picture showing Optimization of the wall thermal insulation characteristics based on the intermittent heating operation)
Method for Mortar Preparation
- The consistency of water is the most important step to keep in mind before mixing PETRA BUILD CARE ready-to-mix ThermoPlast wall mortar. Add 0.7-0.9kg of water to 1kg PETRA BUILDCARE wall care powder to make a smooth paste. It should be a particle-free uniform paste with semi-solid consistency.
- When applying a layer on the flat surface, apply 6-8kg / m2 on a 15mm thick wall. No need to apply a thick coating on the surface as the wall care powder is efficient enough to produce the result in a single coat.
- Leave the mortar for 24 hours to dry completely before applying any other coating of primer/paint.
Things to keep in mind
You must calculate the vertical and horizontal wall measurements to apply wall mortar in an appropriate manner. If the necessary proportion is not applied to the wall, it will cause a hindrance in regulating the temperature
If you are re-applying the coating on a brick wall then either you must choose hot-dip galvanized steel wire mesh or alkali-resistant mesh cloth for proper coating.
Do not add unnecessary admixtures to enhance the properties of ThermoPlast wall Mortar. The packet contains the necessary additives for providing the best result.